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The World-Cultural-Heritage in 2025

Das Weltkulturerbe

The World-Cultural-Heritage


Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23456 Luebeck


Bonava Germany GmbH

Attn. The Managing Director

Mrs. S. H., and Mr. A. F.

At the North Star 1

15517 Fuerstenwalde

Luebeck, May 6, 2022

Free English translation on May 7, 2022

A possible Use of the entire Johannes-Kepler-Quarter!

The German-language document you may find here!

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Management, Dear Luebeckers, Dear Readers,

As also very many Luebecker citizens will know already over many months, many years and some Luebecker ones even over decades, that preferably around my person some strange occurrences go on, which will affect others likewise and these others completely obviously by concentrated loud crashing or banging see a change that can bring in order to be able to get rid of presumably the realit, whereby so some other more was tried out, which is to be called highly criminal.

Thus, after some straining months by the additional construction noise of the Johannes-Kepler-Quarter, which is located directly at the street Am Aehrenfeld, my person had to think again about the buildings, which slowly get a face. What especially carries weight of the tall buildings and should be remembered by every architect in a possible future, is the placement of the larger building complexes, which can quite easily take away the sun from other already existing houses, in that a bright, light-flooded apartment or house can very quickly become a dark and damp hole.

It is very unfortunate that you and others as builders or developers have to be made aware of these facts, as it must be a matter of course for a civil engineer to include the environment of the building projects in his or her thinking! And as it looks just now, the last of the large building projects, which is planned directly at the street Am Aehrenfeld, is in terms of area also still the largest project*, which will take away the afternoon sun from us residents, not to mention the evening sun.

At the moment, you as an investor still have the possibility to stop this described project, because all your buildings of your Johannes-Kepler-Quarter will be demolished, sooner or later, whether rented or sold, there is no way around it! You have many residents and alone only my person by your construction noise severely damaged, also by some tenants here in the house all doors were opened and thus my person was at the mercy of others and is at the mercy, because what you can allow yourselves with your creaking, squeaking and banging, that but still so much more can do others also as a matter of course!

Back to the face of your buildings, which will probably be designed inside quite nice and partly certainly extravagant, came to my person the thought and the idea to let demolish these buildings for the time being not as ordered by manual labour, but to let stand for the time being, because these buildings are designed optically like barracks and could fulfill their purpose before.

Such a costly quarter should be used for the implementation in the matter, in that soldiers must be called up for the implementation of the justified planning of Luebeck, as repeatedly substantiated. In addition, it is perhaps even possible that the American will can`t take a joke, because the citizens of Luebeck have wasted the time, which still remains for a planned control for the world in the matter, by their stupid acting for years and the result comes first in the United States of America also by missing information to the effect!

Thus it makes perhaps sense to prepare in advance for the "blue helmets" a comfortable accommodation in the Kepler-quarter, and it makes also sense for young men, who have no real perspective, to be able to offer first a training as a Federal Armed Forces soldier with short term housing possibility in your barracks, which will have to take over and execute likewise as execution representatives the tasks and requirements put in writing by my person concerning the control of Luebeck.

The operation leader and responsible person will be hopefully no less than Prince Martin, or more exactly Mr. Martin Prinzen, managing director of Autohaus Prinzen, which also means for you as a contractor that there will be no motor vehicles, excavators or cranes, which may be used after dissolution of the "barracks" for the dismantling of the entire Kepler-quarter, but everything will have to be dismantled and filled up without application of electricity and gasoline exclusively with hoe and shovel, so that you and your kind will learn to appreciate an honest and hard work and so that also this measure gets around and spreads!!

For further cities in the FRG then Mrs. A. Kramp-Karrenbauer with many young Bundeswehr soldiers has her jurisdiction, whose must be able to handle shotguns, and so all of Europe will slowly but surely normalize again and "come down", because the fat years are long gone! The big sandbox, which my person had already demanded, lies at present deeply excavated and almost finished freely, which could be used also for the soldiers of the barracks as a sports facility!

My person has warned you in time and now the bills come, because everything has its price!

With kind Regards

Ursula Sabisch, Empress


Notice:  *Your gigantic and sterile housing construction has no future, with the exception of public buildings such as churches, theaters, courts and city halls, which, however, are not to be designed as building blocks or barracks in the future!