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The World-Cultural-Heritage

The Smoking of the Chimneys!

Ursula Sabisch, Empress, Am Aehrenfeld 15, 23564 Luebeck, Germany

To the

Non-Profit District Association Luebeck of the Garden Friends e. V.

Schönböckener Str. 121

23556 Lübeck

Luebeck, May 3, 2022

Free English translation. The German-language document you may find here!

Reconstruction of the Chimneys in Hohe Warte II and Clearing of some Garden Plots.

Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of the Non-profit District Association of Luebeck, Dear Gentlemen, Dear Readers,

With regret my person had to determine again that you and your kind completely simply did not grow out of your child shoes yet and want to play here preferably in Luebeck the large gentlemen, who cannot recognize yet even that a superordinate care beyond the borders however completely particularly probably for partial heavily mentally disturbed citizens of Luebeck takes place.

This care-matter is quite obviously primarily connected with my person, whereby probably also you will belong to the severely disturbed concerned, otherwise you would have behaved like healthy adults opposite my person and opposite my life companion, particularly since the care already lasts for decades and particularly since the planned takeover of some gardens was published in the matter, which must be taken up.

How long did you want to cowardly hide behind my family and behind my person with your level-less, stupid posturing and dirty stories, and at the same time also make demands, which you have not been able to do for a long time? Any garden neighbour who has trespassed on plot 239 and 240 in Birnenweg, Hohe Warte II in bad faith will leave the entire garden site and release his garden to others free of charge. 

Anyone who has broken into one of the garden houses without authorization will be banned from entering the entire garden area of Hohe Warte II, with the exception of the G.... family, who once a month by appointment will remain free of charge for the time being exclusively responsible for the maintenance and care of the garden areas claimed by my person. Every garden neighbour, who was not ready to inform my person and the person of my "Prince consort" W. ..., what is going on around our persons and instead developed criminal energies against us as persons, has no business here in our neighborhood of Hohe Warte II!

Especially those who have created excuses to drive us or others here out of the garden or to make our lives difficult, such as a complaint of a smoke development caused by a bird's nest in the chimney, and have not visited the appropriate authorities because of their involuntary partly fifteen-year monumental-care-matter, but instead visited other complaint offices, have no business here in the garden community Hohe Warte II and will please clear and leave the gardens free of charge this year.

A possibility to keep up the lease is given for some of the concerning, in that these "disturbed ones" will turn please in the matter to the responsible authorities, and by a satisfactory and truthful statement in the matter will be made! In addition it must be added that there have been strikingly many dead in the last years in the Birnenweg, whose partly with security also got into the Monumental-care, what my person could recognize clearly and those almost next to each other lying plots had leased! And now my persons would like to give you directly hereby the following edition again:

In an allotment garden it is in principle not permitted to use a coal grill, since by the open burn the smoky air reduces also in the summer completely substantially the recreational value of others in the neighbouring gardens and there is often no other alternative for the garden friends, as that premature leaving of the garden area. That applies naturally likewise to a campfire, which comes also already in mode, but that applies in particular also to loud music from the loudspeaker, whereby from the Hohe Warte II the bass tones are to be often heard up to over the Wakenitz (lake)!

A barbecue party with muffled music must be clarified and announced in time with the agreement of the garden neighbours and in agreement with the garden board and may not take place more often than once a year per plot. Unauthorized barbecuing with charcoal or other substances will result in termination of the lease of the garden. There are public barbecue areas, which are available for every barbecue lover and therefore some people do not have to buy an allotment garden in order to have a barbecue party there with friends and acquaintances! In contrast to barbecue, heating a garden house may be necessary, although it is usually not the season of gardening, but heating with a fireplace in fact requires a good exhaust system with good filters of the chimneys.

Since these necessary filter systems for chimneys unfortunately cannot be immediately available for everyone, you and your kind will please first of all take care that at least the barbecue in the garden areas of the allotment gardens is forbidden and in case of violation of the garden regulation will be accompanied by an immediate termination of the lease contract, in that you will please in addition immediately withdraw your announced inspection of the gardens!

Furthermore my person would like to make you attentive to the fact, that in the Hohe Warte II in the Birnenweg the garden house plot 240 and 239 will be renovated as a kind of "prototype" at times or if necessary a demolition and a new construction will take place, whereby the size of the "little houses" remains unchanged and then naturally a new chimney with a contemporary filter system will be inserted, which has to apply future-oriented for other gardens at times likewise, whereby a yearly maintenance of the chimneys must be proven.

If my person should have to wait still longer for the conversion of this project, because possibly a nuclear war breaks out, since the kindergarten children of Luebeck have quite enormous difficulties with the reality and truth love and also the "almost hypnotized politicians" want to play the completely large rulers, by these they are not able to perceive any threatening consequences for the end of the dangerous war, then you should also completely warm up!

Furthermore, the two gardens of the former tenant Mr. Gron. and now of the G.  .. family will also be claimed in the great care-matter, in that the current tenants will immediately cede the gardens to my person and to the person of my sister, Mrs. R. K. also for reasons already mentioned and in that the previous tenant Mr. Gron... will fulfill his neglected neighborly duty by truthfully informing his long-time neighbour Mr. w. F., Prince W., in the public care-matter.

Should any of the aforementioned "garden friends" refuse to comply with the aforementioned requirement, then a two-week homelessness order will be issued for those affected, which will have as a consequence an expropriation of the respective garden.

As an alternative, a transfer to the psychiatric institution is possible by means of an order, in which case the gardens are also subject to expropriation. Mr. Gron.... will pay back the amount he received from the tenants for the two gardens to the tenants Fam. G.....  Any gain or appreciation of the gardens is to be assigned free of charge as claims for damages to my person and especially to those of my sister. If the gardens or the houses should be damaged only by the present tenants, the damage caused will be charged to the G.... family!

Note: A Supervision was ordered by the highest Authority and you have also received this supervision herewith!

If you should not inform immediately the garden executive committee of the Hohe Warte II Apfelweg/ Birnenweg about the real situation and about the demands of my person truthfully and support these, then you look for a job please, which you can do and you and others do not block please no places, on which you do not belong!

With kind Regards, Ursula Sabisch



HP: You should also quickly get used to independent thinking and acting, if the action fits and belongs into the given framework, which has already been published in writing on the Internet, because my person still has a full program to work off abroad and cannot take care of one and the same issue several times, such e. g. as the homeless people who have become inaccessible, who primarily need a roof over their heads and would like to have a heated garden shed with everything that is necessary.